Recent content by Priscilla

  1. Priscilla


    Greetings to the admins and all members of Gaming Latest. My name is Priscilla and I feel at home being part of this gaming forum.
  2. Priscilla

    US has 300,000 teacher Shortage

    Teaching job need to be made lucrative again, so that people can enjoy teaching again.
  3. Priscilla

    15th Birthday Contest Main Thread

    Happy 15th Birthday to Gaming Latest. Wishing every member many more years ahead.
  4. Priscilla

    If you are a PC player - do you play on a desktop or laptop?

    Latest laptops got the best memory for playing games. I don't even like using desktop for some gaming activities no matter the game.
  5. Priscilla

    What is the most that you've paid for a mobile game?

    It is crazy for anyone to pay money for any game on mobile considering bugs and other challenges they can face while playing the game.
  6. Priscilla

    What mobile games do you play?

    I play Candy Crush and in some cases, I don't even have time for any other game. That is one mobile game that can take most of my time.
  7. Priscilla

    Can you gift your Playstation 5?

    The high cost of playstation 5 makes it unlikely for gamers to gift it out. If it is a case of Playstation 2, I would have said it is possible.
  8. Priscilla

    What is best choice? PS or XBox

    Most gamers will go for the PlayStation and I perfectly understand the reason they have to make such choices. My man likes Xbox, but we have PlayStation 2 and 4 as well.
  9. Priscilla

    Anyone sell their PlayStation recently?

    Playstation 1 should be very cheap at the moment. One can purchase it and start learning the ropes of gaming from there. I began with PlayStation 2 playing with my hubby.
  10. Priscilla

    PS5 Will PS5 be more available in 2022?

    That is my thinking as well. I don't think I am going to spend that kind of money on a gaming console when there are other parts of the home that I need to setup.
  11. Priscilla

    Ever been cheated in a gaming contest?

    With the knowledge most gamers have, it is difficult for anyone to be cheated while playing any game.
  12. Priscilla

    Earn money with gaming

    I don't think there is any game out there that anyone can earn so much money while playing. I have seen some gamers think they can earn more, but that is not the case in most of them.
  13. Priscilla

    How many hours do you play games daily?

    I play most of my games during the weekend. I spend 8 hours gaming on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. One thing that is sure is one should play when they have time.
  14. Priscilla

    Kids playing battle royale games

    I don't see anything wrong with kids playing Battle Royale. As long as it doesn't affect the way they behave around others, it is okay by me.
  15. Priscilla

    Last Game Played

    Candy Crush and it is always a joy to play this game!